Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Digital Skills”
Digital Skills and Inclusion: Insights from AFID Training
Advancing Digital Skills and Inclusive Online Education: Professors Kozyuk and Dluhopolskyi Join International AFID Erasmus+CBHE Training
Within the framework of the AFID Erasmus+CBHE project, Head of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory, Doctor of Economics, Professor V. Kozyuk and Professor of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory, Executive Director of the NGO “Public Synergy”, Doctor of Economics O. Dlugopolskyi took part in the training “Digital Skills for Teachers and Administrative Staff” (April 8-11, 2024). The training was also attended by representatives of several Ukrainian HEIs (DTEK, Lviv Polytechnic National University, HNUE named after S. Kuznets, NTU Dnipro Polytechnic), the University of Alcalá (Spain) and the University of Lisbon (Portugal).
Participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with and practice: